Issue N# 2 - 2001
The ultra-low resistance Groningen voice prosthesis: clinical experiences.
Authors : R. P. Wong Chung, A. S. Dagli, J. Geskus, M. D. de Bruin, H. F. Mahieu (Amsterdam)
Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2001;122,2:129-133.
Article published in english
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Summary :
The performance of the ULR Groningen prosthesis was assessed in 21 laryngectomees. The intratracheal phonatory pressures (PITP), voice paramaters (speech rate, maximal phonation time, maximal vocal intensity, dynamic vocal intensity range), device lifetime and patient's subjective acceptances were recorded and compared to identical parameters for other prostheses reported in the literature and to data obtained from an age-matched group of normal laryngeal speakers. The low airflow resistance of the ULR Groningen voice prosthesis objectively (PITP = 2.7 kPa) and subjectively leads to a low effort to phonate. Compared to "normals" maximal phonation time shows no significant difference, but speech rate, maximal vocal intensity and dynamic vocal intensity range show a significant worse outcome. The mean device lifetime of the ULR Groningen prosthesis is more than 13.6 weeks, which is comparable to other indwelling voice prostheses. In conclusion, the ULR Groningen voice prothesis enables easier tracheoesophageal phonation than the low-resistance Groningen type.
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