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o Issue N# 2 - 2018 o


Endoscopic ligation of the spheno­palatine artery interest in the mana­gement of recurrent epis­taxis

Authors : Ressiot E, Al Tamami N, Gauthier J, Lombard B. (Lyon)

Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2018;139,2:33-39.

Article published in french
Downloadable PDF document french

Summary : Objectives: Epistaxis is one of the most common emergen­cies in ENT, with 60% of the population having at least one episode in their life. For about 6% of them, hospital treatment is required, with the risk of complications. The aging of population, the association of comorbidities and treatments taking, such as anticoagulants or anti-platelet agents expose not only to a risk of major recurrence, but also to complications whose management is a real public health issue. Material and methods: We present a retrospective study conducted between 2005 and 2015, based on patients records whose epistaxis was the main reason for hospitalization, and for which we have identified antecedents and if any, undertaken treatment. Then we established for each type of treatment its rate of complica­tion and recurrence. Results: 91 patients were included in our study, out of which 60.4% took an anticoagulant and/or anti­platelet therapy, 11% had anticoagulant overdosage. It was found a recurrence rate of 21% for the single anterior packing, 9.1% for antero-posterior packing, 11.1% for the ligation of the spheno­palatine artery. The rate of complications found was 3.2% for the anterior packing, 18.2% for the anteroposterior packing, no complication was noted for ligation of the artery spheno­palatine. Conclusion: The endoscopic ligation of the spheno­palatine artery is a simple treatment to implement, effective in 90% of cases, exposing to few complications; it should be offered as first-line to patients with a high risk of recurrence.

Price : 12.00 €      order

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