Issue N# 5 - 2005
Autistic like behaviour disorders and deafness in children
Authors : N. Deggouj, M. M. Eliot (Bruxelles)
Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2005;126,5:365-367.
Article published in french
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Summary :
There is a co-morbidity between autism spectrum behaviour disorders and deafness in children. Their behavioural difficulties may appear primary and/or secondary to hearing deprivation. In this paper, we present how we manage those patients on the base of our clinical experience. The auditory assessment must be based on subjective tests taking account of their special reactions. It needs objective tests to complete and help the behavioural responses. The hearing aids amplification is increased progressively, to allow the development of a tolerance to the sounds world. The multidisciplinary team tends to open them to the world and to the communication.
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