Issue N# 4 - 2017
Velo-pharyngeal incompetence, an assessment by means of aerophonoscope: Attempt of classification and therapeutic implications
Authors : Rousteau G, Talmant J-C. (Nantes)
Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2017;138,4:143-156.
Article published in french
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Summary :
Aerophonoscope is an instrument, created in Nantes, permits above all, an aerodynamic evaluation of the velo-phayngeal sphincter, in the usual conditions of speaking and breathing, without intimidation for subjects over 3, 5 years old. It provides an ultra-sensitive mean of nasal air flow detection, and confirms the variable and inhomogeneous character of the nasal flow depending of different phonological-linguistical and pathological factors. It allowed us to measure the severity of velo-pharyngeal incompetence and to objectify different types of velo-pharyngeal impairments, for children after primary surgery or for the others in a context of speech impairment. It contributes to guide the therapy, surgery decisions; and also to determine the interest of speech therapy; and moreover it provides a mean of rehabilitation (game-play and efficient). It opens new researches perspectives.
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