Issue N# 5 - 2007
The tensegrity concept applied to the laryngeal biodynamic
Authors : Piron A. (Beyne-Heusay)
Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2007;128,5:273-278.
Article published in french
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Summary :
The knowledge of spaces and sliding ways of the forehead part of the neck must be accomplished, however the microscopic observation of these sliding ways shows in fact a real concrete material continuity, through the existence of a binding tissue between the sliding structures. This tissue is shaped in a web form system of multimicrovacuolar collagenic fibers. It respects the functional unit, while saving the relative independance of moving between the different structures concerned. The architectural features of any living tissue may be reported to a tensegrity system. The word of tensegrity is a portmanteau of tensional-integrity, as proposed by the american architect Richard Buckmister Fuller. Following tensegrity the laryngeal biodynamic behaviour is based on two sets of tensions and compressions applied on itself. The laryngeal system is therefore in a constant balance of tissular tensions. The multimicrovacuolar system has a main place. This new point of view may be applied to the laryngeal dysfunctions.
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