Issue N# 4 - 2017
Contribution of clinical phonetics to the pathologist
Authors : Pillot-Loiseau C. (Paris)
Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2017;138,4:125-132.
Article published in french
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Summary :
This article proposes a synthesis of literature allowing to better understand the contributions of clinical phonetics for the ENT, phoniatrician and speech therapist. Through a different and complementary concept of the voice and speech by the phonetician that pathologists can discover, we first propose to define the normal and pathological vocal quality, its uses and its linguistic, paralinguistic and extralinguistic functions. Clinical phonetics is then defined, along with its functions and areas of application. Its history shows a growing interest of phoneticians in the study of voice and speech disorders, and laid the foundation for a discipline currently recognized around the world. Clinical phonetics can be used to structure all analyzes of existing voice and speech disorders (direct and indirect methods), but also to take note of specific notations of pathological voice and speech. It also shows that there is some interaction between voice and speech, here illustrated by some examples. Finally, this discipline allows the clinician to refine his assessment and management of his patient.
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