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o Issue N# 4 - 2001 o


Allergic and pneumologic conditions associated with nasal polyposis. Results of a french (ORLI group) multicenter prospective epidemiologic study.

Authors : L. Crampette, E. Serrano, J. M. Klossek, M. Rugina, P. Rouvier, R. Peynègre, J. P. Bébéar, D. Stoll (France)

Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2001;122,4:231-236.

Article published in french
Downloadable PDF document french

Summary : 224 patients presenting with nasal polyposis (NP) were included in a french prospective multicenter study. NP was evaluated by nasal endoscopy and computed tomography. Allergic status was documented using skin prick-tests and/or specific IgE. Pneumologic assessment included spirometry with carbamyl-choline hyper-reactivity test or beta 2 mimetic broncho-dilation test. Minimal follow up period was 1 year. 45% of the whole population were considered as athmatic. Asthma onset occured before and after the NP onset in respectively 45.7%, 22.3% and 32% of cases ; these two conditions started simultaneously in 32% of patients. Skin prick-tests and/or specific IgE were positive in 32.5% of cases. In most of the cases (80%), patients were polysensitized to house dust mite and/or pollens and/or animal danders and/or fungi. 31% of the population had idiosyncrasy, caused by drugs in general and especially aspirin in 44% of cases. The global population could be divided in two groups according to the occurence of previous polypectomy or not. The group "polypectomy" and the group "no polypectomy" were similar regarding the frequency, the age of onset, the course and the severity of associated asthma. Familial history (parents, chidren, brothers and sisters) was of great interest : 58.7% of the patients had one (or more) relative suffering from NP, 43.6% of the patients had one (or more) relative suffering from asthma and 12.2% of the patients had one (or more) relative suffering from idiosyncrasy. These results support a genetic etiology for NP.

Price : 8.50 €      order

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