Issue N# 5 - 2008
Frontal sinus osteoma complicated with intracranial inflammatory polyp: A case report and review of the literature
Authors : Umur AS, Gunhan K, Songu M, Temiz C, Yuceturk AV. (Manisa - Izmir)
Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2008;129,5:333-336.
Article published in english
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Summary :
Background: Osteomas of the paranasal sinuses rarely cause intracranial manifestations. A neurological symptom may be the first sign of a previously unrecognized osteoma. Case description: A 28-year-old male was referred with one episode of witnessed tonic-clonic seizure and loss of consciousness. Radiologic examination revealed a calcific mass in the frontal sinus and a cystic structure was detected in the posterior component of the lesion. The patient underwent a combined nasal endoscopic approach and a bilateral frontal osteoplastic craniotomy. The ossifying tumoral tissue and the polypoid soft tissue mass were removed. The histo-pathologic diagnosis of the hard, bony tumor was consistent with an osteoma and the polypoid soft tissue was an inflammatory polyp. Conclusion: This case report illustrates a rare and life threatening complication of a frontal sinus osteoma with an intracranial extension of an inflammatory polyp.
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