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o Issue N# 2 - 2014 o


Early evaluation of voice quality in glottic cancer (T1, T2) following curative radiotherapy

Authors : Tripathi N, Verma RK, Panda NK, Ghosal S, Sharma A. (Chandigarh)

Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2014;135,2:91-96.

Article published in english
Downloadable PDF document english

Summary : Background: This is prospective study analyzing the subjective and objective quality of voice and voice related quality of life in patients of early glottic cancer (T1, T2 disease) before and after receiving curative radiotherapy. Methods: Fifteen patients of early glottic carcinoma (T1, T2) underwent voice assessment using multidimensional voice protocol based on recommendation by European Laryngological Society which included Perceptual analysis of voice by speech therapist and otolaryngologist, acoustic analysis; aerodynamic efficiency analysis-Maximum phonation time; patient’s self perception of voice analysis –Voice handicap index; and videolaryngo­strobo­scopy. Assessment was done prior to commencement of radia­tion therapy and at 1 month and 3 months following radio­therapy. Results: There was significant improvement in majority of the voice parameters post radiotherapy. Perceptual analysis showed significant improvement in GRBAS score following radiotherapy. Perturbation measures (jitter, shimmer, SNR, HNR) showed improvement post radiotherapy though remained inferior compared to controls. Mean fundamental frequency (Mean F0) and habitual frequency (habitual F0) decreased post radiotherapy. Intensity of voice increased following radiotherapy which was statistically significant (p< 0.05). There was significant improvement in the patient’s perception of their quality of voice and voice related quality of life post radiotherapy. Maximum phonation time showed statistically significant improvement post-radiotherapy. Percep­tual analysis of voice by professional observer corre­lated well with patients self perception of his own voice. Conclusion: Voice quality improves following radiotherapy but not all the patients regain normal voice. Improvement in voice quality improves quality of life of patients shown by improved voice handi­cap index.

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