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o Issue N# 1 - 2009 o


Validation of a self assessment for speech disorders (Phonation Handicap Index)

Authors : Fichaux-Bourin P, Woisard V, Grand S, Puech M, Bodin S. (Toulouse)

Ref. : Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol. 2009;130,1:45-51.

Article published in french
Downloadable PDF document french

Summary : Objective: The aim of this work is the psychometric validation of a self assessment questionnaire about speech in dysarthria. Materials and methods: A prospective study was performed on 91 persons to analyze reliability and validity of this new questionnaire. Il is composed of 25 items subdivided in 3 domains: Physical, functional and emotional. We first compared 17 normal speakers to 21 dysarthric patients. Then we analysed the intra-individual variability with 53 patients who completed the questionnaire twice with two weeks interval between the completion. The statistical analysis verified internal consistency of each item, intra-subject reliability was analyzed through Pearson test and clinical validity was calculated through the non parametric Mann Whitney test. Results: The internal consistency reliability was correct (Cronbach's alpha> 0.9). It appeared a statically significant difference between normal speakers and dysarthric patients (p< 0,05). The correlations to the handicap and severity felt were fair ensured us of the content’s validity. However the absence of difference for 5 items drove us to eliminate them. Also, analysis the test / retest by the correlation matrix allowed to delete 5 other questions. The obtained total score was 0,861. As for the validity of contents, the correlations in the handicap and in the degree of severity felt by the dysarthric patients were satisfactory. Conclusion: The results of this study allows to resume the validation of this questionnaire, its short form of 15 items is particularly adapted to dysarthric patients. It now remains to test its reliability with the medical evolution of the patients. We propose to name it “Phonation Handicap Index”.

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